Trading without middlemen


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In the case of spot currency trading, there are no middlemen. It eliminates the need for middlemen by taking care of your trade as you can trade directly with the market price for a chosen currency pair. Most Forex trading platforms make this possible through direct trading orders to liquidity providers without having to go through intermediaries.
There are no market price controls. Everyone has an equal chance to make it big in this type of trading. There is no single entity that can profit from market price controls for an extended period of time of time. This is for the simple reason that the foreign exchange market is very big and therefore has many participants. It increases your chances of getting great prices when you least expect it.
Yes, Forex has eliminate the need for a middle man also known as Market Dealers, you don't have to call anyone to place a trade, all you need to succeed in this game is on your trading platform, there's nothing like a middlemen or gate keepers in trading.

But what I notice over the years is gurus, Forex has produced a large number of gurus that sell false dream to newbies, advertising Forex Markets like a El Dora's or where you can make easy money which is far from being true, this bogus claims misguide beginners and give them false hope as to what to expect know the real trading environment.