Websites to Make Money as a Proof Reader


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Proofreading is a highly paying job that can be done remotely and by anyone who has the knowledge and skill in his/her working language. How much can you make by working from home on a proofreading job? The earning depends on the platform you are using and skills you have but you are likely to earn between $10-$45 per hour.

Here are some websites you can try

Scribbie: Pay rate 20 Euro per hour

Gramlee: Pays per project irrespective of how many hours you take to complete the job

Scribrndi: Pays $10-$15 per hour

EditFast: Pays per project

Domainite: pays per project

Wordvice: Pays per project

If for any reasons you were unable to get jobs on these platforms, you can always search for proofreading jobs on Upwork. If you cannot find jobs on Upwork, you can try selling your proof reading services on Fiverr.

The key to making money with proofreading is you need exceptional knowledge of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
I just checked some of these websites and they of course sounds very promising. However, I am not sure if someone with average language skills can actually use these sites to make money, I am also not sure if someone using English as a second language actually have any chance to make money from these websites. Proofreading is a work reserved for people with professional-level language skills, perhaps someone who has a degree in the English language, or some natives with a lot of experience. Just because I can write articles or have written a lot of articles does not mean I am qualified for the job. If you think you have above-average language skills, you can subscribe to language and grammar tools like Grammarly and try working on a proofreading job. The language tool will make your proofreading job easy. If you are interested in proofreading, you can also combine the job with editing and translation to make more money.