What happens if we drink cold drink daily?


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It is not good to drink cold drink everyday because it may cause many health problems it may cause obesity and also the increased the risk of heart attack .because cold drinks increased your blood pressure it will increase your cholesterol level and imapired sugar kevel so we should avoid to drink cold drink and avoid alcoholic drinks it is very bad for healtha and slow down the digeative process
I think you are talking about carbonated cold drink. If we drink cold butter milk and natural juice than these are not harmful for our health. No doubt drinking too much carbonated cold drink are harmful for us these are some what like slow poision. If we drink too much we may have problem of kidney stone.
It is natural and normal for a particular human being to have an urge and tendency to drink . Some of the things we drink almost everyday include water , soft drinks , alcohol etc . Despite the fact that we have the tendency to drink we still need to pay attention to some of the things we drink thereby taking into our bodies . Not everything that seems drinkable are actually healthy . Icy drinks which may include : icy or cold water or icy or cold soft drinks though it feel rejuvenating and relieving when drank , it is important that we cut down the limit of drinking cold or icy drinks .

You may be wondering why ? , Well according to research analyst and health doctors it has been researched that excessive consumption of cold drinks affect the heart beat . Our heart tends to function in normal temperature and when we drink too much ice water our heart beat seems to be at a low or negative rate which when done frequently , is absolutely not good for our health . That is why it is advised to make our cold drink more drinkable by adding warm water to make it more soluble and suitable for drinking .
No doubt hot drink is healthy is all season. some peoples have habit of drinking water during lunch and dinner and most of like to drink cold water. Drinking water during lunch and dinner slow down our digestion process. So if possible we never drink water during lunch and dinner and for some reason we have to drink water that we must be have 1-2 sip of hot water. After half an hour of lunch and dinner we must drink water not too much cold and too much hot normal water. Water which we keep is clay pot is more healthy for us
Cold drink is not totally bad for the health. There are situations when we need it the most. However, drinking cold drinks every day has a lot of health hazards. Some of them are:

1. It damages the teeth. Drinking cold water or any cold drink can cause the teeth to become sensitive. It is because when we drink cold water or any cold drink, the blood vessels present in our gums constrict and make our teeth more prone to damage, cavities and tooth decay.

2. It causes headaches, especially in migraine patients.

3. It can cause heartburn as it relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and can allow stomach acid to creep up into your esophagus, making you uncomfortable.

4. Another effect is that drinking cold drinks can slow down digestion, which may interfere with your body's ability to absorb nutrients from food. There are also some potential benefits to drinking cold drinks, including helping you stay hydrated; however, if you should take care of your teeth after drinking these beverages, you may experience more harm than good from them.
This is actually my first time hearing cold water could lead to obesity, I honestly doubt this though. The effect of taking cold water might not be seen instantly, but on the long run, it could lead to blood viscosity. Blood viscosity is simply the thickness of the blood, this could lead to health issues like stroke, romanticism,.it could also lead to heart attack. When the blood becomes too thick,it would not be able to flow properly.
Too much cold drinks are not good for our health. Any drink of normal temperature is not bad for health, but no doubt hot drinks are more good for us. But it is also fact that we can't drink hot drink all the time. Place which are hot and have temperature more than 45 degree C , we can't think to drink hot drink we prefer cold drinks. it is better if drink cold drink of normal temperature. cold drink just after mean slow down digestion so must be avoid it.
Yes, drinking excessive cold water can lead to blood viscosity. If we keep on drinking cold water, the blood in our veins starts getting thick. And because of that, we can get a stroke. A few months ago this thing happened to my friend. He drinks 5litres of chilled water every day in the office. And one day we were just roaming and he started having chest pain. Then we immediately went to the nearby health care center, they told us that it was a stroke. They immediately started the treatment and thanks to Dr. Raymond from RoyalVibe Health, because of him and his staff my friend is healthy and fine.
In these day here we have 47 degree temperature means too much hot weather. In this temperature most of like to drink some cold water and othe r drinks. I think is this situation if we drink water and other cold drink that are more cold , It will not harm us. I think how much our drink is cold it is also depends of weather
Normally water is cold, unless you mean extreme cold water. You can take cold water but not extreme cold water. I don't take much of the water during cold weather, I reduce my water consumption due to the nature of the water. I know it is not normal, my mom have warned me severally about it's significant effects in the future, now I've learned to take water even if I'm not feeling tasty. I will try to force myself more taking more water. Because, water is life, anyone who doesn't take much of the water is just damaging his or her system. Because we need water for dehydration inorder to filter toxic out of the body, so, we can be cleaned somewhat and not excessive toxic being part of us. When metabolic becomes too excessive it leads to so many dangers of health like, heart failure, or kidney failure. Because we fail to give water to the kidney to help excrete the toxic away from building house in the body. I don't want to fall ignorant of it anymore, because ignorant leads to untimely and unplanned death, don't want to be a victim, that's why I've taken precaution already to stay clean.
Drinking cold water is very unhealthy habit. It is even advisable to take lukewarm water everyday and more in the sunny day. But most of us if not all, do thirst for cold water especially in the sunny day. I am also guilty of these because I take cold things almost every day. Though I know the effects of this and I am trying to reduce the habit before it goes out of hand.

It distorts digestion of food. When we finish eating especially the oily food, cold water may affect its digestion. This is because cold water doesn't melt things rather it congeal the oil making it too chunky to digest. That's why lukewarm water is better and safer especially after food to aid digestion.

It cases pneumonia. Pneumonia is what happens when we find it difficult to breathe. People that take too much of cold water will have their lungs blocked. Just lie I explaied up there, since cold water will not clear the path, it blocked the larynx and makes breathing difficult.

In essence, there is nothing that has advantages without the advantages. In a rush to satisfy ourselves with cold water and other things, we should be mindful of the health implications.