Forex What is your biggest fear in trading forex?


Like many other traders, my biggest fear in trading is blowing up my trading account. The fear bugs me a lot when I see that the market isn’t moving in my expected direction. But I do my best to avoid it and trade with a good risk management strategy.

Melanie Terrell

New member
I have FOMO. Which I think is good. It makes me attentive and aware of potential trading opportunities.
But I also do not regret or feel sad if I miss out any potential trading opportunity because I know, forex is a highly liquid market and will continuously provide such chances.


New member
I never got my trading account blown up. I have heard people discussing how difficult it is to get back on track with your new account. I have been really careful throughout my trading journey and after all the hassle; I don’t think I am ready for a blown account.


New member
Trading is a risky path and there is uncertainty and as a trader we don’t want to lose money. If you have this fear in you, there could be an underlying cause of it because trading with fear can result in big losses. Mostly, it is because of lack of confidence in your trading skills. In order to overcome it, traders should trade with small risks and learn skills, which will help them to gain confidence. Another fear, which every trader encounters, is the fear of getting scammed.


New member
Imo, a little amount of fear is no harm. It should be there or else you might get carried away by overconfidence and neglect using risk management. This will eventually lead to losing.


Verified member
The forex market is just another market entirely and the volatility of the forex market may not really be much as that of cryptocurrency and because of this so many people may find it much more easier to trade forex and also to apply a good stop-loss and take profit order because the volatility is not very high , But the possibility of losing is still the same in both markets.

For now, one of the greatest things about trading volatile market is technical and fundamental analysis , it is the core foundation of developing a trading strategy that will suit you and help you earn money with this market.

One of my greatest fear is losing my money and that is one of the reason I choose not to engage in any volatile trading since I don't have what it takes to make money effectively. I still have so many things to learn about them.


New member
The ability to be skilled enough to earn regular profits and increase income and switch to trading as a full timer. It gets tough to manage different feelings when you find yourself in that stressful situation. I try to not finish my funds or blow my account before the journey. I did get a little carried away in the beginning but I found my way out of that. After many hardships, I’ve finally learnt how to overcome these unnecessary emotions and focus on gaining profit, in huge sums.


New member
The biggest fear of a trader is blowing up their trading account. I did it once, and I was always afraid it would happen again. Since then I have improved my risk management and also have tried developing a trading psychology.


New member
Sometimes, when a strategy fails and I don't know how to pick myself up, I take a mini break and clear my head and come back refreshed to tackle the issue head on. Learning from my mistakes was what made me profitable. I suggest you do, too.


New member
I fear losing all my money and blowing the account. I am trading to build a stable future for myself and losing all the capital is simply a nightmare.


New member
I was worried about closing trades in the beginning but then I went back to learning some more in detail, and practised a few more weeks on a demo account. I looked at the market with fresh eyes and now, I’m confident as ever. Knowledge is power in risky conditions, many kinds of issues can arise. If you know how to be logical during placing trades, these silly mistakes can be avoided.

Finger Geek

Verified member
I agree with the starter of this thread. The fear to enter a trade and the fear to exist a trade is also some of my fear in forex trade. There are times that when we enter a trade after using one of our strategy we have, the trade might go against our prediction that instant and loss some of our funds. And also we might have entered a trade and choose to exist after few pips. But because we have seen similar trend many times and we think it will happen again because history do repeat itself.

So after a trade is entered and because we are hoping that it will continue to go in our favor and instead of existing after 50 pips, we might decide to exist after 100 pips. But this my be our unlucky day and go against us. This recently happened to me and I lost some of my funds to the trade.


Verified member
Only thinking about profit won’t bring profit for a trader so traders have to run their attempts until they get in contact of success.


New member
Fear of losing money in a trade is the biggest fear for me. However, I am working on myself and my mindset. Every trader has some kind of fear and they should work on their mindset.


New member
I also had these types of fears when I was a beginner. But I was able to conquer these fears when I became confident about my skills as a trader. I still get anxious but it is not that bad anymore. You will be able to deal with your fears when you have more knowledge and understanding of the forex market.


New member
My greatest fear when trading forex is losing my entire account. Every trader is concerned about losing money in the forex market.


New member
Earlier I used to fear missing out on opportunities, but now I’ve overcome that fear. It’s better to trade manually and take control of your own trading, rather than use bots when you are away - that is what I believe. And it has definitely helped me save my capital from losses.


New member
The greatest worry of every forex trader is losing money. Trading is a risky road with uncertainty and trading with fear can result in large losses. It is usually due to a lack of trust in your trading abilities. To combat this, traders should take little risks and master techniques that will help them gain confidence. Trade with what you can afford losing and follow a proper risk management strategy.


New member
My biggest fear in trading forex is that I will lose all of my money. I have seen too many people lose everything they have invested in forex, and I don't want to be one of them. I know that I can make money in forex, but I also know that I can lose money just as easily. That is why I am always careful with my trades and I never risk more than I can afford to lose.


New member
My biggest fear was being stuck after a bad trading week. We all have bad trading days and it is always a stressful experience. I get worried if I will ever be able to make profits when I encounter losses in a row. The fear leaves my head when I finally win a trade later on. But now I have come to a point where I don’t get stressed about losses. It is part and parcel of forex trading. Sometimes we just have to accept the loss and move on.