Earn Money what is your mind about earning money?

peace life

New member
Anyone can do a job from a room in his house, but there are qualities he must have, such as initiative, organization, responsibility and eagerness to overcome difficulties.
Also, the people who make money without leaving the house are mostly those who have the mentality of businessmen, as they are always looking for profit opportunities, and they are ready to take risks, and they want to combine fun with work, considering that they are doing the activity in which they are creative and love, according to the writer.
They enjoy a completely different lifestyle, and succeed in achieving wealth and the life they dream of.
That is the life I would love to live. One that I do what I love and earn from it. I never want to strain too much because I want to earn. Or do too much physically and mentally straining work that my health detoriorates. So I would really love to have that business mindset with strategic planning and knowledge seeking.
in my opinion it's a way to earn extra income at the end of the month, it can help people a lot, and it can make people try to learn new things, as some methods of earning money need some kind of knowledge

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