What to consider when choosing a career.


New member
Today I'll be telling you about the steps to take when considering a career for your life. Most people think its about who they know or what choice their parents or guardian makes for them.But i think it should be chosen by what we can do well (that's your talent). A young scholar who has the talent of helping should consider being a doctor of get involved in things that helps..As funny as it may sound, a child that likes money ?, should consider going into the finance industry... With this, apart from the extra learning we get from schools, We know its in us and here by we would not just be better, but we would make more impact in our world.
Wonderful piece of advice, choosing a career path should be highly dependent on how passionate we are about that career that we choose, the enthusiasm and joy that we derive from the duties and task that are associated with the career.

Choosing a career simply because it pays very well may not work well for all people as you may loose interest later on in that career or you may probably not be able to do your job efficiently and effectively.
I see career as a journey of its own. It's a new step after education. And it is not something you just jump into because you desperately need money. We all need more because we have needs and wants. But just choosing a career or job anyhow without settling down to think won't do us any good.
For someone like me who wants to get married and take good care of my children, I won't work in for a 8am to 5pm company daily. What time will I have for my kids?
I only advice fresh graduates to take that kind of work. But since I want to spend time too bringing up my kids, I'll prefer taking a lecturing job because it gives you time for your family.
Good advice. Actually the environment we are today matters alot when it comes to choosing the right path to career, for example here in nigeria you see a child growing up with dreams and aspirations to become a doctor but while growing up without someone to keep encouraging him or her you see them being influenced by wrong ideas, like money is the main thing.. then you find that same boy or girl with that losing focus and looking for easy and quick jobs that can earn him more money.. I believe it's high time we start education our generation that money isn't everything.