Which food we should take for our good health?


Active member
Hello dear friend hope you are absolutely right and getting tips and tricks about how we maintain our body healthy and fit .As we all know that food is very important for our body but not al kind of food sometimes junk food can disturb you health also .if you want to become fit and healthy then you should take healthy diet you should take fruits and vegetables if you want to make your skin shine and glowing without using any make product apart from this by eating healthy food your body metabolism will also maintain and your stomach will also become strong if you use salad in your food then the nutrients which the body requires to do work will also be increased because we all know that a healthy man has a healthy mind and will ways become fresh and happy so i suggest to all members please take a use of salad ,fruits and vegetables in your food because your body needs a lot of nutrients to do work properly instead we eat a junk food for example KFC burgers and nuggets and also eat pizza lal the time because it will disturb your stomach
Take foods that contain balance diets and take fruits and vegetables to allow your body system to function very well. Many diseases were cause as a result of bad and imbalance diets.make sure you don't eat any food any how. Try to consult nutritionist for the best food to be eating.when you are old in age, try to stop eating solid food in the night. Eating in the night would allow high level of cholesterol to enter your blood stream. Try to engage in morning exercise to burn high level of cholesterol to maintain good health. Try to consult medical doctor for medical diagnosing,for perfect treatment.