Which Infections is Shingles ( Herpes Zoster)?


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A shingles is an infection disease that used to appear mostly at the back of person like blisters.

The signs that one will see is that:
A line or patch of painful blisters that appears all of a sudden on one side of the body is probably shingles. It is most common on the back, chest, neck, or face . The blisters usually last 2 or 3 Weeks, then go away by themselves.
Sometime the pain continues or returns long after the blisters are gone .

Causes of Shingles:
Shingles is caused by the virus that causes chickenpox and usually affects persons who have had chickenpox before.
It is not dangerous. ( However, especially in older persons, it is occasionally a warning sign if some other more serious problem perhaps cancer or AIDS.)

- Put light bandages over the rash so that clothes do not rub against it.

- Take aspirin for the pain. (Antibiotics do not help.)

What is your take about this?
I do hear about this disease when they talk about the symptoms of HIV. The fact is that there are many diseases out there and we need to becareful not to contract any of them. I wish the poster talked about how to control this disease. Though it is not harmful but it can be irritating.