Why Bitcoin is not increasing now a days?


Active member
All of us know the value of Bitcoin. The price of bitcoin increased rapidly in the end of December 2020 and in the start of January 2021. I remembered the days when I noticed this thing that in one day, bitcoin increased between 2000$ to 3000$+ but now a days we see that bitcoin's price is not increasing like before. It is crawling like snake ,up and down, slowly slowly... I am wondering,what is the reason behind this issue ?
Why Bitcoin is not increasing even in normal state?
If you know the factors behind this matter or you want to share your thoughts then share your opinion!
It will help me and many other members to understand the myth.
It was expected that there would be a pull back in price from Bitcoin rise. As would trading beem, the sellers of this crypto currency are more than the buyers and as such a pull back was expected. It would fall and get to a support level and then decide to rise or fall again. My advice is to buy now and keep it for the long term. Bitcoin is an investment and also a means of trade. Differentiate both and you would make money from both its rise and off its fall