Why Do I Feel Guilty After Spending Money?


I think you're feeling guilty because you're looking for a quick fix. You think that if you can just buy yourself a new car or a new house, life will be better. But that's not how it works. The universe is always working on your behalf, and when the universe hears your cries for help, it sends someone to help you. That person might be a coach, an advisor, or even a friend. Whatever it is, they work with you and help you get where you need to go in life.

And whatever one thing doesn't seem to be working out? It's not because there isn't enough money in the world. It's because there isn't enough time in the day! Just like anything else. if we had more time on our hands, we could do more things with our lives. Maybe you'd start going to the gym more regularly or maybe you would finally read all those books from your childhood! But instead of doing those things now, we settle for something less important: buying things that make us happy for now but won't make us happy later on when we have more time and money available to spend on other things that bring us closer to our dreams.

So if you're feeling guilty after spending money, try taking these steps:

1. Stop and ask yourself why you are feeling guilty about spending money. You might be surprised by the answer!

2. If possible, talk to someone about how you feel about your spending habits and their impact on your financial situation (or lack thereof). This could help you see where your guilt comes from or help clear up any confusion or misunderstanding about how your finances work at home or with your partner/spouse/significant other).