Why people feel like they never have enough money?


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Why do some people feel like they never have enough money, leaving them devoid of financial security. People adjust their standard of living to their income, at all levels of wealth. This paradigm is true for $100,000 net worth as well as $2,000,000 net worth. To have financial security, clarify and define your priorities. Then live from that place of clarity to obtain true financial security at any level of wealth.
Money has never be enough to spend that's more reason people want more money and feel they have never have enough cash.
The more money you earn the more your expenses increases accordingly. Its just human nature, money is meant to be spend so lets earn and spend it.
I think some people feel like that because they are focussing on the lack of moneyin life. But it does not feel like that to wealthy people, because they are focussing on the presence of money in their lives.
It is really that simple, people just need to learn is focus on the presence of money, and not on its lack, and you will get as much money as you want. Law of attraction as what they say.
Money is just a paper that society agrees to place value upon, if we decide to start using cowries as a means of exchange today, paper money will be redundant, money itself is just a means to an end and not the end itself.

In our whole lifetime, our relationship with money should be contentment, because the race never ends, you will always want to make more and more and more., but if you start appreciating the little you have that satisfies your needs and start having life values that are not money induced you'll be more fulfilled.

In my opinion, if I can make enough to satisfy my needs and travel the world then I'm better off, after you make enough money you'll realize that it isn't everything, you won't be much happier just because you have X amount.
It is human nature to feel like you don't have enough of something all the time. Especially money, people rarely get satisfied with the money they have right now. That is why you find rich people still robbing others and financially stable politicians grabbing citizen's properties. So many people will have money today but still feel so broke.

I think this happens because of the many desires that people have. Desires never come to an end. The good thing is that they can be controlled. Learning to control your desires is the first step to learning to be contented with what you have right now.

Personally, I have learnt to always choose contentment. It makes me live a peaceful life. When you learn to be contented with the amount you earn right now, you will be more calm in life. Desires will still be there but you will just surf through them and comfortably remind yourself that you cannot afford that right now.

Controlling desires in order to be a financially contented person takes so much self discipline. Which you can practice and become better at it. Each time you say no to an urge or desire to have money and buy something, the self discipline muscle grows stronger.
The word adjustment reminds me of my younger days in the office. When I received my first raise I splurged for a celebration. My budget has increased so I will not have debts anymore. But that is not so. Within 1 year I realized that I have bigger debts even if I was able to pay the installments on time. When the 2nd raise came it was still not a lesson learned because as my salary increased so was my expenses. To be honest, I was foolish in handling my finances. That changed though when I got married and I was at least kind of living and no just surviving anymore. The key is to remain with the present budget and the increase in income should be considered as the savings. Oh well, those days are gone and now I am happy with my retirement days with enough of the savings.
The needs of man is insatiable and this is a fact which is unarguable and cannot be denied. Money has never been enough for any person who strived to see the dawn of the next day and this is the reason even billionaires or the world richest human beings are still striving to make money at each passing day and if this could be the reality of a billionaire, what about the common man? The economy recession or meltdown and its dwindling state has always been the better part why money has never been enough for mankind and the competitiveness in human to make a name, attain financial independence or an image for themselves is the drive that pushes them to making more money everyday.

It is not an easy task to have a source of income where you at getting funds either daily, weekly or monthly and this is why there are lots of investments where you can invest on a long-term basis and get your capital and profits at the stipulated time. The only time man will not strive to make more money is when his breath ceases but so long as there is life, making money is more like learning everyday.
Why do some people feel like they never have enough money, leaving them devoid of financial security. People adjust their standard of living to their income, at all levels of wealth. This paradigm is true for $100,000 net worth as well as $2,000,000 net worth. To have financial security, clarify and define your priorities. Then live from that place of clarity to obtain true financial security at any level of wealth.
Hi Chase. Nice to meet you. Hope you are doing well. Thank you very much for your interesting topic. As soon as I read the title of your thread, I clicked on it and I started reading it at once. I fully agree with every single word you mention in your post.

It is true that nowadays people want to have a lot of money because money offers them financial security and freedom. Undoubtedly, people cannot survive without money. They need money to cover their daily needs and the needs of their family. With money people can buy a house, a car and everything they need. Furthermore, they can make plans for their future and have a better education.

Unfortunately, for the majority of people money is never enough. People often feel that they never have enough money though they do have money. I think that the main reason for feeling that their money is not enough is that the more income they have, the more their expenses are.
Sadly, people are never satisfied. They have created needs that actually are not real and they have to cover these needs. So, the more money they earn, the more money they spend.

In my opinion, people should understand that money is not everything and they should also be careful with their expenses. There are some things that are more important in life than money like health, peace and love.
Human beings can never be satisfy with the conditions they are for ones. Am saying this because people will always like to have more no matter how much they had acquired.
I belive the no matter his rich and wealthy you may be you will still be looking at those that has more than you do.
People feel like they never have enough money because our needs outweighs the income we make. It is almost natural that as humans, our needs are insatiable just like Oliver Twist, I never get enough money because even my basic needs has not been met to its satisfaction not to mention my secondary needs. We have needs and wants and the ability to work and in hand with them will make us place our priorities right. It is unusual for anyone to agree that he or she has surplus money even though they do and this quite hilarious, this goes to tell us that indeed human needs can never be completely satisfied. Lack of discipline in utilizing money is also one of the reasons people feel the never have enough money. When you spend money on unnecessary things when you have priority, then you will keep on complaining about money because of your inability to economize knowing fully well that money is easier to spend than it is easier to accumulate. This shows that we should always first set our priorities straight and devise means of saving as much as we can for the rainy days. In addition, we should always control the urge of borrowing money so we do not earn up in bad debts because this is one thing that keeps people without having much money.
Money is a number. It is infinity and it doesn't has an end. When someone makes money his priority, no matter what he has, it won't be enough. Even if he has all the riches of the world to himself, he won't still be satisfied.

There may be many reasons for this, humans by nature are insatiable. We can't just have enough of anything even not only money. We always want to have more. Sometimes, it may because of curiosity nature of us. For instance, someone that wishes to make $200000 will still desire to make more the moment he makes what he has been dreaming of. He would always be kike, I can't still make more.

I am not a religious person but I do like reading both religion books, in the glorious alquran, a verse says human being will always run after worldly possession till they die. We can't just be contended. It is just a lie to console ourselves when we pray for contentment. God doesn't create us to be contended with what we have. We only feel contended just because we know we may not achieve the goal that we have set for ourselves.
I think that if people make proper budgets instead of just wasting their money on unnecessary things then the money will be enough for them.
If you have even 10000$ but you are not planning your future then you will end up wasting all that money in partying, shopping unnecessary stuff and wasting it in things that donot really matter.

In my opinion, people must save and invest money on resources that can generate passive income for them in the future. Like buying property so that it can be put on rent in the future, not only this property will make monthly income for them but will also get more worthy with time an dcan be sold at a higher price in the future if needed.

Money can also be spent on business which can be profitable in the future like in building a blogs etc.

Apart from that people should also make a budget on how to spend money on things they love, so one doesnot act miserly with the things they love. They can buy such things but also make smart savings and budget to not fall into poverty.

This is my opinion. All people have their own reasons.