Working From home


New member
there are many ideas on pinterest about making chairs, tables and various other things that you can sell.Iwork as a welder and these ideas when i see are not bad at all, you don't need a big stake ds would make a chair stand out.


Valued Contributor
Infact who will not appreciate the idea of making money from home, I have had the opportunities of getting jobs that pays me to work from the comfort of my bed room. And I do the job working on the computer from some certain hours and i take breaks between intervals. I realise this was the very best job I had ever done because I had alot of time for myself an my family and I was well paid aswel.

The job really saved me alot of cost I would have incurred in using the transport systems, and the stress I would have also accumulated.


VIP Contributor
The scope of making money online as a metal welder is not so bright in my country because most of the Welders are present in the market and they rarely work from home. The field of offline metal welding is in high demand and as far as I know, contractors and builders often hire welders for their construction projects. Metal welders could make great amount of money if they maintain great contacts and try to pursue work around the city, as the field of construction is quite successful in my city. There are many people who have invested in this field and this gives good opportunities to welders.


To make money these days in most cases does not even require you having lots of capital, you simply just need to be creative, you have a skill, make use of it and package it, then you are good to go.