5 Bad Effects of Copy Paste on SEO


Staff member
Almost all forum sites that I meet prohibit copy and paste for both threads and posts. except for fake forum sites.

There are two types of copy-paste/plagiarism: first, copy-pasting your own content that has been published on other forums, blogs or sites, Second, copy-pasting other people's content works.
Trendy forums strictly prohibit these two types of copy and paste and will even give warnings, up to 3 times and the poster's account will be automatically banned immediately.

The reason why there is Copy Paste
In general, posters are lazy to think about creating new articles because it takes a long time. The posters lack confidence to create a new post. The posters have no intention of practicing to create posts or do not care about the rules of a forum. Posters are more concerned with quantity than quality and are not serious about joining forums.

5 Bad Effects of Copy Paste on SEO
Day by day the Google search engine is getting more sophisticated and capable so that it will easily detect two different urls but have the same content and then Google will act cruelly like:
1. Freeze copy paste content url in Google index
2. Lower the overall SEO of the forum site.
3, If too many copy and paste articles are published then the reputation of the forum site will soon be destroyed in all search engines, also looked down upon by visitors/guests.
4. No company is willing to endorse products on forum sites that do not have a reputation.
5. The number of published copy and paste articles will immediately be removed from Adsense or even banned.


Valued Contributor
This is not always true so for example news about technology and devellopment or news about countries or crypto news aren't subject to redaction. But get information from source whit labelling it.


VIP Contributor
There are a lot of factors that influence search engine ranking and one of them is content quality. Web content is considered quality content if it is original (completely new), never published elsewhere (no duplicate copy exists), well written (proper language and grammar), provides authentic information, is engaging, etc. When you copy content and republish it on your website, the content is duplicate content, and search engine algorithms will not recognize your content and will never rank in its algorithm. When you copy and paste content, your content is not original, search engines do not like content that are not original. If you are publishing duplicate content, you will not even be approved by ad networks like adsense. Therefore, copy and paste content will not only hurt the SEO of your website but also the revenue on your website. A website that has copied content will not have any organic traffic.