Are online earners vulnerable to haemorrhoids?


Valued Contributor
Haemorrhoids are painful swellings that exist around the anus and they are often very painful and discomforting to the person suffering from them.

A friend shared how he has been battling with this very discomforting condition for years now and he said it was a result of him spending too much time sitting and working on his PC.

This is now where I am driving at. That we as individuals trying to earn some money online tend to spend so much time On screen with our phones and laptops..
And there are also speculations that maintaining a specific position for long tends to pose one to being at risk of developing this condition that would affect you and get you in a condition you had never imagined.

It is impossible to just stay informed about things like this and expect to be completely free from them , as they are already scientific backing to these claims made .

The advise here is that as you are trying your best to make money online, make sure you do not spend so much time on a sitting position, especially sitting in one place.

As someone who is reading this, you should also try and do more research to find out how best to do away with this dreaded condition.

Do you have more ideas?


Health workers usually advice does office workers to take a walk after working for some time. staying in one position for too long does have some health issues, and it can also affect the flow of blood in our system. Sitting down for too long also affect our health and body posture.
Looking at a laptop or Mobile phone for too long also affects our eyes in a negative way, not mention the amount of radiation we expose our selves to as well.


VIP Contributor
There may be a connection between a computer user and hemorrhoids. The sedentary job of a computer user in this tropical country may cause abuse to his butt because he may be sitting for long all the time, every day. That is the reason why the general rule for computer users is to leave the computer for 5 minutes every hour (and better if you take a break every 30 minutes of working. Even at home I always monitor the time that I am seated in front of the computer because I do not want to have pains on any part of my body. Doing something in a position that is a long time can cause muscle pain or even joint pains. However, with hemorrhoids I think there are people who have that problem and not all computer users can be susceptible. When I sometimes work for long hours in the computer continuously there was no problem with hemorrhoids.