Benefits of onions


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Onions are very low in calories but are high in minerals and vitamins, this vegetable is also high in vitamin c which helps in collagen production, iron absorption and also regulating immune health and also act as a strong antioxidants Because of the vitamin c which then protect your cells from getting damaged.
Onions are also very rich in vitamin B that plays a vital roles in metabolism and in blood cell production and this onion is also a good source of potassium
Onions help in our heart health by helping us to reduce cholesterol level and also reduce the risk of having heart disease.
Red onions are rich in anthocyanin that helps to protect diabetes, Cancer and heart disease.
Onions help to control our blood sugar level so eating onions will be of great help for those with diabetes and this onion help to boost our bone density by helping us to boost our antioxidants level and decrease bone loss as well.
Consumption of onions help to boost our digestive health as they are a good source of prebiotics and fibers which improve bacterial balance which our immune system benefit from it.
So consumption of onions are very good for our health it helps us in a lot of ways
Onions are a staple in many cultures around the world. They're delicious on their own, but they also have some amazing health benefits that make them even more valuable to us.

1. Onions help lower cholesterol levels and reduce blood pressure, which is great because high cholesterol can lead to heart disease.

2. Onions contain fiber, which helps your digestive system work better and promotes a feeling of fullness after eating.

3. Onions are good for your eyesight because they contain antioxidants that protect your eyes from free radical damage caused by UV rays from the sun or other light sources such as fluorescent lights or screens on phones and computers!

4. In addition to being tasty and healthy, onions also have a nice aroma that makes them great for cooking!