Shares/Stock Buying stocks of a corporation’s IPO


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An IPO – initial public offering – is the maiden engagement of a corporation’s stocks in the stock market. In the IPO period all you see are stocks that are for sale mainly from the company’s holdings. The biggest bank here had an IPO of 20 pesos per share even if the par value of the stocks is only 10. That simply means that the value of stocks as per the company’s estimation is more than the par value.

After a year the price of the stock in the market leaped to 50. It was a clear indication that the bank is financially well and earning big profits. I am posting this story to serve as a lesson that stocks on IPO can easily earn you a good profit after some months.
If you want to invest in the share market but you do not have a lot of money, you should try investing during the IPO, IPO or initial pubic offering is when the company goes public for the first time, IPO shares are cheap, however, once the IPO closes, the price starts going up steadily. I have bought some shares during IPO back in 2017 for $1 and now it has become $50