Can Someone Make Money Online As A Fiction Writer?


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Writing is one of the most lucrative jobs online. People will continue to make money online as a writer in different aspects as long as Internet continues to exist.

The reason is that there will always be need for communication and this is where writer comes into play.

Writing is one of the top rated skills you can render as a service in most of the freelance marketplaces.

There are many ways in which someone can make money as a writer. You can become an article writer and write for different blogs.

Copywriting is another aspect in which you can make money online. Creating ebooks is another way of making money as a writer.

So I want to ask that can someone make a good income as a fiction writer online?
Yes, it is possible to make money as a fictional writer but it is really hard to make money being a fictional writer because the market of fictional writers and books is really competitive. If you believe that you are a creative writer with innovative ideas, then you may start publishing books and start selling on Amazon Books.
I have not tried this because I am not a fiction writer. But if you are a fiction writer and if you have written a good book or a lot of stories, you can publish your books on Amazon Kindle and make money by selling your books. Publishing on Kindle Direct Publishing is free
Amazon Kindle publisher is the best place to list any type of ebook to make money. One thing about Amazon Kindle publisher is that you are free to post more than two books on the platform so as to make more money. Make sure the title you are going to post there is fascinating so as to make sales faster. You can also sign up with Gumtree to sell some of your books over there.
You can make money online as a fiction writer. In fact there are many ways to earn if you are a fiction writer. For instance, you can publish on wattpad and charge reading fees to make money from your stories. You can also see your stories in ebooks form your own website.

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