Coping as an employee when your employer is rude & arrogant.


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Dealing with a rude, cruel, and arrogant employer or boss can be a difficult and challenging experience for any employee. However, there are several strategies that employees can use to cope with this type of behavior and minimize its impact on their well-being and job performance.

One of the most important strategies is to maintain a professional demeanor and avoid engaging in negative or confrontational behavior. This means remaining calm, respectful, and composed in the face of rude or aggressive behavior from the employer or boss. It also means refraining from retaliating or responding with similar behavior, which can escalate the situation and lead to further conflict.

Another important strategy is to seek support from colleagues, friends, or family members outside of work. Talking about the situation and getting advice from others can help employees cope with the stress and emotional impact of dealing with a difficult employer or boss. Additionally, seeking the advice of a professional counselor or therapist can also be helpful in managing stress and building resilience.

It may also be helpful to document instances of rude or inappropriate behavior from the employer or boss, including dates, times, and specific details of what was said or done. This can serve as evidence in the event that the behavior crosses the line into harassment or discrimination, and may also help employees feel more empowered and in control of the situation.

Finally, it may be necessary for employees to consider other options, such as finding a new job or reporting the behavior to a higher authority within the company. If the behavior is severe or pervasive enough to create a hostile work environment, employees may have legal recourse through laws prohibiting harassment or discrimination in the workplace.

In conclusion, dealing with a rude, cruel, and arrogant employer or boss can be a challenging experience for any employee. However, by maintaining a professional demeanor, seeking support from others, documenting the behavior, and considering other options, employees can minimize the impact of this behavior and protect their well-being and job performance.


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It can be a tough pill to swallow, to work for someone to swallow, waking up everyday and knowing the kind of person you are going to meet is crazy, I can not even imagine that, remember that their behavior is not a reflection of you. It's a reflection of their own insecurities and shortcomings. So don't take it personally, just brush it off like you would a mosquito.

Focus on your work and strive for excellence. show them that you're a badass employee who's not to be messed with. If they try to undermine you, kill them with kindness and professionalism. It's like Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world, even if your boss is an arrogant jerk."

If all else fails, it may be time to consider finding a new job. Life's too short to work for someone who makes you feel like a worthless piece of gum on the bottom of their shoe. Quit.


VIP Contributor
As humans it can almost be depressing dealing with arrogant and very rude boss especially one that doesn't want to know how bad it is on the next person

but it is always good to maintain a professional demeanor and avoid engaging in negative or confrontational behavior. This person is still your boss no matter as. the person has the power to hire and also sack meaning that you still need to be calm, respectful, and composed in the face of rude or aggressive behavior from the employer or boss.

It cannot be easy but we need to overlook some excesses ag workplace