Do you think phone can earn as much money as the amount made on a computer


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Well in this case, I am not going to pick sides because if you ask me, I think both does the same function especially when it comes to earning money online which is what is rampant nowadays, some people are beginning to see their phone as their computer system, and it has gone to the extent of feeling like it is not needed to buy a PC which is not supposed to be so, there are still some things you would always need your computer for. As a matter of fact, there are some websites that will specifically request one to make use of a personal computer or laptop to login probably because they know that the content image and some other things that will be displayed on the site will not fit to be shown on a phone. So as for me, I still think that it is not good enough to be comparing both gadgets to the point of thinking that they are actually the same thing, I can still agree if it is called a mini computer which of course it is , but nowadays I see Nigerian youths spending big amount of money to buy cellphone while they don’t even have a laptop.
I don't believe you can use your phone to make money as much as you can use your laptop to make. I think there are so many sites or work that you can't actually access or do with your phone that they can only be done on your laptop. But I don't see what you can do with your phone that you can't actually do with your laptop or system. They only thing or difference is that phone is actually portable and you can take it anywhere you are going, unlike laptop. But things you can't do on the phone are limited these days!
I will type not exactly at least from my experiences I dont think you can becsuse they are jobs that you can't perfect it with a phone that's just the truth. You know that some clients need perfection with their job so if you don't do it well maybe you did it with your phone you would be faced with a huge rejection so to do it right you must use the right tools which is to use your laptop.

But then again just owning a laptop will not cut it. You must work for your money. if you are only having a laptop and you are not working or putting effort to work then you might not just get it. So one thing is to get the laptop another is to actually work . Big the truth is that you can still make money with the phone but not as with the laptop