Health Benefits Of Millet For Pregnant Women


VIP Contributor
Millet is a staple in the diets of many cultures across the globe. It has been used to improve digestion and eliminate toxins from the body for thousands of years. Additionally, millet is a rich source of fibre and protein, that keeps you feeling satisfied for longer. Millet is especially beneficial for pregnant women because it's packed with nutrients that help to maintain your baby's health during pregnancy, including iron, zinc, and vitamin B6. Millet can also help reduce morning sickness and make you feel less nauseous during pregnancy.

Millet contains fiber that helps to ease constipation and promote healthy digestion, which can also help you lose weight if you're trying to get pregnant or have a healthy pregnancy outcome. Millet is also rich in calcium. one cup of millet provides over 400% of your daily value of calcium! This means that eating one cup will help you build strong bones as well as relieve stress on your joints caused by arthritis pain throughout the day!