Health benefits of vitamins d


Active member
a woman body produce vitamin d as a response to sun exposure a person can also boast their custom-made entered through certain code of supplements vitamin is essential for several reasons including maintaining healthy bones and teeth it may also protect against a range of diseases and conditions such as type 1 diabetics despite his name but he is not a fighter me what a prehormone or proposal of hormone vitamins are not showing that the body cannot create and Sue a person must consume them a desired however the body can produce vitamin dvitamin d has multiple roles in the body it' assist and promoting healthy bones and teeth supporting a man brain and nervous system health regulating insulin levels and supporting diabetic management supporting lung function and cardiovascular health influencing the expression of genes involved in cancer development
early infant, pregnancy division c causes skin type that contain for example does sunscreen reduce the body's ability to absorb the radiation sunscreen is also with a sun protection factor can reduce the body ability to synthesise the potomac geographical location people who live in northern latitudes are areas of high pollution work night shifts breastfeeding infants who exclusively breastfeed need a vitamin d supplement especially if they have that thing or have minimum sun exposure


VIP Contributor
All what I know about Vitamin D is that it use to help human beings bone to be strong .
Also Vitamin D is the morning sun that every body needed in other to perform very well.
Vitamin B is the type of vitamin that every body should always want. It is the early morning sun.


The effects of Vitamin D are that Vitamin D helps balance calcium and helps maintain bone health. Recently, it has been reported that it may be effective for boosting immunity, cancer, diabetes, autism, and building a body that is easy to get pregnant.