How patient can get enough blood when sick?


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There are many sources for getting blood when sick. The first aid is that the patient should take good vegetables that can give blood when the patient needs enough blood. For instance, there are vegetables that give blood, like ugu vegetables. And also, we can use water leaf vegetables to give blood, and we can also use liquid milk together with some vegetables to give blood very fast. From fluencyThis blood transfusion is from blood bank laboratories where they can buy or donate blood for the patient that needs blood very fast. Blood group "o" can give blood to a patient that needs blood, and likewise, he can receive blood from anybody that donates blood to them. This blood needs to be screened very well because of the HIV and COVID-19 infections that can be present in the blood. And the patient's blood group must be known before collecting blood from another person, like I said above. This is a very important aspect of getting more blood to the patients that need it most.
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To get enough blood the patient should try to get enough sleep and also take a drug called blood helps to give the body more blood.also you can drink malt it also gives the body more blood.also eat enough fruits they supply the body with enough blood.also go for medical checkup.