How to clean and have a healthy kidney


New member
How to clean and have a healthy kidney: Get a glass cup that can contain 50cl of water, boil your water and allow it to cool for like 20 minutes, pour it inside the glass cup and pour two spoonful of olive oil stair very well and drink it 45minutes before your breakfast.
We should also avoid smoking or drinking alcohol as it destroy the kidney which can lead to death when not quickly taken care of
To have a healthy kidney we have to make sure we take proper care our kidney as it can cause kidney stone or kidney disease we should prevent smoking and drinking and we should also make sure we watch what we consume by making sure we consume balanced diet always
Kidney problem is very dangerous in which one need yo take care if it very well and stay away from some thing that cab equally cause it. Some time kidney stone in the kidney can be deadly if care is not taken and proper care is not done before its goes out if hand.
To have a healthy kidney one has to drink hot water and prevent too much cold not saying you should not drink Cold water but drinking it in a limited way.alSo avoid smoking because it can seriously cause damage to the heart and kidney.also avoid drinking for a good health.
We can have a healthy kidney by reducing the sugar intake we consume and also engage in exercise Regularly
We should make sure we drinking enough water daily because not drinking enough water causes harm to the kidney like kidney failure and we should also make sure we avoid drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes as it endangers the kidney and we should always eat foods that are high in fiber
There are many people who are facing kidney problem so after seeing them we should try to eat healthy food and avoid eating junk food in our daily life because the junk food and bad environment which is full of pollution is also the reason of kidney damage like we should stay away from those people who are smoking and this can also destroy our lungs and kidney after smelling the smoking yeah which is really bad for those who has asthma problem and breathing problem.
The most important Factor you should consider if you love your kidney is to drink a lot of water or at least 1.2 litres in a day. The kidney also forms a very important parts of blood pressure control so reducing in the amount of salt you take would also go a long way.
Make sure to eat healthy foods considering that the kidney will be healthy and should also make sure you drink enough water at least like 6 glasses of water a day