How To Create A Social Media Marketing Agency


VIP Contributor
A social media marketing agency, it's an agency that is in control of marketing, which involves all of the channel on social network.

To start a social media marketing business you need to have an expertise on digital marketing which is actually not hard compared to other digital skills fields, Google has a nice program for digital marketing, this can get you up and running.

I always advise spending some marketing dollars and making sure you have you foot to the pedal or in other words have your skin on the game.

Clients will also trust you more if you have some success before, now before you start thinking of launching a social media marketing agency as a big deal, it is actually easy and you can do it over a week because basically it consists of

Test cases

These are all the requirements for starting a digital marketing.

Also when it comes to sourcing for clients you have to there's a actually a grind to it, you can start with local clients, example like private schools, private agencies etc.

These set of clients are ready to test out the waters and depending on how you present your company, you can win a recurring client.
Starting a social media agency is super lucrative but takes time and investment - in the meantime you can start earning from day 1 in DAOs like Joystream by leverage on your exact same skills.