How to keep your brain Healthy


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exercising regularly can help to boost your brain because it will increase blood flow to your brain which will reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's diseases and it's also plans to counter some of the natural redemption in your brain connections that occurs during a dream you should try to exercise regularly for like 30 to 60 minutes it's either you work or you swim play or any other aerobic activitiesmaking sure you get enough sleep for like seven to eight hours of sleep every night will help you to make your brain it by storing your memories effectively because sleep apnea is very harmful to your brain health and also your diet plays an important role in keeping your brain healthy should make sure that you consume balanced diet so that it will provide vital nutrients that will help to keep your brain healthy and also make sure that you have boys smoking or drinking as that can also affect your mental health and causes damage to the brain you should make sure that you take proper good care of yourself so that your brain can also be healthy because when you live a healthy life your brain will also be healthy
Nice tips, when the right amount of blood does not flow to the brain, it could cause headache most times dizziness and of cause lost of memories in most cases.
we have to make sure that our brain is it that we eat nutritious food and getting exercise and also avoid too much of stressed as that could trigger the brain health and you should also make sure that you try to get enough sleep for like 67 hours overnight so that our way we feel relaxed and less stressed and drink enough water so that our body system will be able to function properly which also benefits the brain has well and make it to be more everything because our brain health is very important in our life so that we can live a healthy life