Is Emotional Spending Ruining Your Finances?


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Emotional spending is ruining your finances.

If you're like most people, you've probably been guilty of it at some point in your life. You might have bought something for yourself because you felt sad about something else or vice versa. Or maybe you got a new car because your old one was in the shop, but then found out that it was going to cost you $5,000 more than expected.

You may not have realized that these are signs of emotional spending but those are just examples of how it can happen!

Emotional spending is when we spend money on things that aren't important to us or our well-being. It's when we buy things just because we feel like we need them or deserve them and often don't even realize why we're doing so.

Emotional spending can make us feel good temporarily, but it doesn't really help us in the long run and it can actually hurt us financially by draining our bank accounts and leaving us with debt or credit card bills that aren't paid on time.

Emotional spending also makes us vulnerable to scams and other kinds of fraud because we trust people who want something from us without thinking through whether or not these people are trustworthy.