is it advisable to learn a skill when you have no startup capital


Deleted member 28873

We have always been told to always seize every moment we come across to learn .learning is key and power to greater living but what is the use of learning a particular skill if you don't have the startup capital to start practicing it "because practice makes perfect" no one became boss without first becoming a slave, so as to put it in good use .most people do say once you ve learned it, it could never disappear, that it would come to a day when you would finally get to use it.but for how long?,you would literally start forgetting little of every knowledge you got actively using, what would happen when the little turns large?.It really great to learn but really painful not to be given the opportunity to test what you ve learnt.
That is the best thing to do, during the pandemic period I see most people learning some skills to have an idea about the business, learn skill as early as you can and grow in knowledge so that when the capital comes you already know the in and out of the business and it will be very easy to scale through all the challenges.
Learning a skill can never be outdated. There are lots of skills ranging from fashion designing to bead making and many more that can be acquired in order to derive satisfaction. Learning a skill is most times for the future and as so doing, you will be certain of using it to make an extra income tomorrow irrespective of non availability of start up capital. I will anytime any day advice people to learn a skill because no knowledge is wasted. And in economics, a skilled labor is more preferable to an unskilled labor.
We have always been told to always seize every moment we come across to learn .learning is key and power to greater living but what is the use of learning a particular skill if you don't have the startup capital to start practicing it "because practice makes perfect" no one became boss without first becoming a slave, so as to put it in good use .most people do say once you ve learned it, it could never disappear, that it would come to a day when you would finally get to use it.but for how long?,you would literally start forgetting little of every knowledge you got actively using, what would happen when the little turns large?.It really great to learn but really painful not to be given the opportunity to test what you ve learnt.
Nice and inspiring words of wisdom from you my dear. Many have the skills to exploit around but ability not to gain employment and test the skill elude them. One can learn a scale without capital online and learn it perfectly if he or she wants it that way. He can follow up a YouTube or blog site that covers broadly about that skill that he's willing to go into.
To have a successful business, the capital just terms of money is not all that is needed but relevant skills, acquiring skills is almost the same as securing the future and the amount you intend to make. One of the ways to get money for a business is to raise that money personally by doing some jobs or offering services for a fee.