Question: If Sugar Is So Deadly, Why is it in almost Everything we Eat??


Deleted member 13140

Honestly I love sweet stuff, but I hear that sugar is very dangerous, most especially that refined sugar is poisonous
(That ones from my Dad) But seriously if it's so dangerous why is it added to almost everything we buy at the supermarket huh?

The effects of Added Sugar intake.
1. Higher blood pressure
2. Inflammation
3. Weight gain (The worse of them all, people are looking to lose weight but inside the sweet stuff they consume is a very deadly Synthetic sugar
4. Diabetes. (Don't know much about these but I've heard it's deadly and can possibly kill)
5. Fatty and liver disease: One thing about liver disease is that it takes time to mature (I guess and when it does its extremely difficult to cure)

And all these things, Are linked to one most deadly one heart attack and stroke.

So please can someone tell me the importance of Sugar?
They put those things into our food to make us overweight and cause health problems, which makes us spend money on pharmaceuticals and doctor visits. Some conspiracies even suggest it’s a form of population control. Are you in the United States? A lot of the additives in our food aren’t used elsewhere because they’re more strict about those things. Just recently heard that there’s plastic in our pork - at this point, we’d all be better off just growing our own food.