Side effect of sugary soda


Verified member
When sugary soda is consumed in excess added sugar can adversely affect your health
1. It can lead to weight gain
You Consume more calories by drinking soda , the liquid sugar doesn't make you full but it is associated with weight gain
2. It can lead to fat in the liver
Excessive amount of sugary soda can lead to non alcoholic fatty liver disease
3. Belly fat
Sugary soda also causes belly fat because of the high consumption of fructose and it leads to a type of dangerous fat that is linked to metabolic disease.
4. diabetes
Added sugar consumption in the sugar sweetened beverages can lead to diabetes
5. It has no nutrient
Drinking of sugary soda has no nutrient it only provides calories and sugar to the body.


New member
When sugary soda is consumed in excess added sugar can adversely affect your health
1. It can lead to weight gain
You Consume more calories by drinking soda , the liquid sugar doesn't make you full but it is associated with weight gain
2. It can lead to fat in the liver
Excessive amount of sugary soda can lead to non alcoholic fatty liver disease
3. Belly fat
Sugary soda also causes belly fat because of the high consumption of fructose and it leads to a type of dangerous fat that is linked to metabolic disease.
4. diabetes
Added sugar consumption in the sugar sweetened beverages can lead to diabetes
5. It has no nutrient
Drinking of sugary soda has no nutrient it only provides calories and sugar to the body.
Very True and also produces addiction like Cocaine in some studies they were found , one way to stop using sugar is to do a Full Detox in the Body


Active member
Sugary soda can lead to diabetes, heart disease and other diseases as well we should minimize the amount of sugary soda we take in daily to avoid health problems


Active member
Sugary soda can lead to weight gain because the sugar store as fat when digested which leads to weight gain and can also lead to belly fat


Active member
Too much of sugary soda causes diabetes and even stomach ache and it can also lead to kidney problem as well


Active member
Sugary soda consultations especially when consumed regularly or everyday it's causes stomach pain and play sugar also causes diabetes in the body


Active member
All this sugary soda doesn't have any nutrient that it provides to the body it only causes diabetes and other health issues


Verified member
Yes sugary soda is not good for the body as it contains excess sugar which can damage the cells and also cause stomach don't take excess sugar it's not good for the body.also don't take junks because they contain High sugar which when taken in excess can cause diabetes


Active member
Sugary soda and dangers in health it makes us to have different health issues when it is in excess that is why we should avoid drinking it everyday