Symptom of corona virus.


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1.Fever: when you have covid 19 the body starts to feel feverish and sleepy.the body starts getting hot and the eye gets red.
2: cough: when you have covid-19 you start to have dry cough.the throat starts to ache.
3:not having a taste bud:when you have covid-19 the body starts to loose taste or smell.
4:Headache:when you have covid-19 you start to develop pain in the head.
5: rashes: when you have covid-19 the body starts to feel itchy
Symptoms of covid 19 can also be sneezing or red eye we should try to always maintain social distance and make sure to always have Pocket sanitizers around so that we can sanitize our hands at all times and we should always use our nose mask because covid 19 can also be contacted through air
Covid 19 symptoms can be cough, sneezing, fever and other illness as well that is why it is good to use nose mask and sanitizer to prevent all this symptoms
The body starts to ache most especially headache the person will also have red eye and the person wi also feel feverish.if all this is noticed the person should go for medical checkup
Most common symptoms:
loss of taste or smell
Less common symptoms:
sore throat
aches and pains
a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes
red or irritated eyes
Serious symptoms:
difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
loss of speech or mobility, or confusion
chest pain
Seek immediate medical attention if you have serious symptoms. Always call before visiting your doctor or health facility.