Tendri Forum is the best site to earn money 2021


New member
Greetings, I am very glad to have registered in this great forum on how to make money online, I am a person with experience in advertising and making money online.


VIP Contributor
You're welcome, i see that you're a new member here, the best place you could've introduced yourself to us, is using the 'introduction feature here to introduce yourself so we know you better. No withstanding, you should settle in quickly, create topics and comments that will benefit the community to earn your fair share of reward and move trendri PTP forward.


VIP Contributor
I am commenting on your topic and not your content. Trendri is the first paid to comment we sites that I have ever worked on that pays for all your activites. In fact, your seconds count here. However, that's not to say it is a quick money making website. You need to be knowledgeable, persistent and hardworking to be one of the top earner on tendri.


VIP Contributor
Yeah you are right at least for a new comer to give the forum this compliment means we are good to go on the forum. Anyway, welcome to the forum this is a cool place and the admin is doing a great job to accommodate everyone. So feel free commenting on the best PTP site