The Dos and Don'ts of Social Media Monetization


VIP Contributor
Social media marketing is all about engagement. You can't get anywhere without showing your audience that you care about them and that you want to provide value to them.

But it's not enough to just start posting. You need to be sure you're posting the right things, at the right times and in the right places.

  • Don't try too hard: One of the biggest mistakes people make when starting out with social media marketing is trying too hard. They feel they need to post more than they already are, or they feel like they should include certain products or services in all of their posts. If you're making these mistakes, stop! The most important thing is that you're engaging with people and providing value. That's what will keep them coming back for more.
  • Post regularly: Social media has become an integral part of our lives, so it only makes sense that we'd use it for fun as well as business purposes — like shopping online or taking advantage of special offers from stores or brands we love. Posting regularly gives us an opportunity to show our followers what we're up and keep them coming.