Ways to control hypertension or high blood pressure


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hypertension or high-blood pressure is now one of the major element that most people both the age and young server today in Nigeria Africa and globally though there has been series of medication which has proved to help reduce the increase in blood pressure most time this medication turn out to be a problem when used for a longer period of time
fortunately there has been also an alternative way to control a potential with using any form of medication it is not costly never is too difficult to get it is simply by using natural foods to control hypertension comes with many symptoms which included several headache
Some natural ways of curing it are the use of some healthy food such as

1 garlic and onion has an important quality content of sulfur compound which helps in reducing high blood pressure and so do onion is a clove of garlic is been eating constantly on daily basis for up to two weeks it can handle the case of hypertension


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There many ways that we can use to prevent high blood pressure like making sure to get enough rest it is really important when you want to control your high blood pressure


Verified member
To prevent high blood pressure or hypertension one has to try to sleep and rest for a long time.also one has to stop taking too much sugar and always try to exercise the body.dont do too much stressful work it's not good for the person that has hypertension also eat enough fruits and vegetables it's good for those that have hypertension


We can avoid hypertension and high BP by having a good time with the people we love without thinking too much and ,that can give you BP


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We can provide high blood pressure or hypertension relaxing once in a while so that our body system can be calm and healthy


New member
You can prevent hypertension and high blood pressure by resting very well and eating a balanced diet without thinking


New member
eating of vegetables and fruit can also help to reduce the risk of developing hypertension because of the nutrients that it provides


Active member
We can also control hypertension or high blood pressure level by minimising the intake of salt and sugar in our diet because that also trigger it as well it destroy the organs in the body which causes series appearance in the body like the hypertension and high blood pressure and you can also control high blood pressure by drinking enough water like 6 glasses of water because most of the organs in our body need water for you to function properly or else it will cause series of problem to the health


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When we want to control hypertension or high blood pressure we have to make sure that the first thing will take care of is by drinking enough water daily because it will make us to be healthy and prevent diseases in the body which reduced the risk of developing high blood pressureand we can also control high blood pressure by eating fruit and vegetables which provide advice and nurturing to the body which makes the organ in our body to be healthy and you should also make sure that we get enough sleep daily for like 6 hours everyday