What is special about dYdX token compared to other projects?


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dYdX is a cryptocurrency exchange that blends decentralization with advanced financial capabilities. Margin trading, a financial tool that allows investors to leverage their exposure to digital assets, is supported on the platform. Isolated margin on dYdX allows users to trade specific money in their account, whereas cross-margin uses all of the assets a trader has on the platform. Perpetuals, a form of futures contract with no fixed expiration date, are also available for trade on dYdX. On synthetic assets, the exchange now offers a maximum leverage of 25x with no expiration date.

Users of dYdX start earning interest as soon as they deposit funds into their account, because their assets are automatically included into the worldwide lending pool for each cryptocurrency. The technology ensures that lenders are protected by ensuring that borrowers have sufficient collateral in their accounts at all times. Borrowing on dYdX allows users to rapidly acquire any asset offered on the marketplace by utilizing monies they already have as security. In contrast to automated market makers like Uniswap, dYdX has an order book architecture.

Layer 2 of dYdX improves network scalability by employing zkSTARKS, a type of zero-knowledge rollup. While validating a batch of transactions off-chain, the technology receives proofs. These proofs are then transferred back to the blockchain, where a smart contract verifies them. zkSTARKS allows for the removal of expensive computations from the mainnet while maintaining decentralization.

dYdX introduces retroactive mining bonuses in addition to trading and liquidity provider awards, allowing the platform to demonstrate appreciation to historical customers and motivate them to trade on layer 2 protocol. Holders of dYdX tokens can invest them in the company's safety and liquidity pools. The liquidity pool seeks to attract high-quality market makers, while the safety pool serves as a safety net for the platform in the event of a shortfall occurrence.