What to do if Someone Underestimates Your Skill or Job


Verified member
This is saddening really, but we gave developed the habit of looking down on what others do so much we even do it unconsciously.

I can remember how we were made to debate in school as children which profession was better; teachers, doctors, lawyers etc. This has formed part of the problems.

Often you may be working and someone will try to prove that they know better than you do even though you have studied and been practicing what you do for years.
Some may openly tell you that what you do is not relevant and they can survive without it.

All jobs are interrelated and need each other. The doctor needs the farmer and fishermen and plumbers because he can't do their job. They need him to take care of their health.

What you should do is to gently but firmly defend yourself. If it proves unsuccessful, then it's better to avoid such people as they prove toxic to others around them.


VIP Contributor
Well for me, personally I don't need to prove myself to anybody especially if I know my skill sets are right then I don't care about whatever the next person have to say.

The thing with me is that I have my skills and I know my strength I know my weaknesses so if you put aside my strength which I know I have then I have nothing to say to you.

I will still allow my skills and my work to do the talking for me you just have to know that not everybody will find our skills or our strength of work good, when you realise this is you will have to be able to ignore some persons that are just trying to put you down sometime it's not that you're not good it just that some people like you rightly stated are just toxic and that is what they want you to experience.


Valued Contributor
One way to overcome this is to have a positive mental attitude as regards the opinions of other people. When you get to the point where you tell yourself that you are living your life for yourself alone and that as far as your life is not causing pain or harm to another person, you are good to go.

That is one formula I use to live my life. If you like, look down on my job. Is it putting food on my table? Is it paying my bills? If yes, any other person's opinion about that job is irrelevant. I can't afford to lose sleep over what you think. Some people are bent on making other people feel bad about their jobs and that is so not fair. Every job, vacation, and profession is important, and without each one of them, the world would be less complete. Don't mind the naysayers. Do you. Do what works for you.


VIP Contributor
Well, if it's in a workplace your best bet is to keep on improving and prove them wrong, there's this adrenaline rush that comes with knowing someone is doubting your abilities, it just make you motivated to a fault, it has happened to me and I know how that feels.

But if it's coming from an outsider, don't give a damn about it, don't care about it at all, I know it's easier said than done, I struggled with that too, but you actually do it, all you have to do is don't think about it.

You should also keep it in my mind that some people do it willingly to see what you're capable of doing, you should be able to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Also, most people that look down on others don't have much going for them so they find solace in belittling other people's effort.