When the manager is vengeful it can backfire on the company


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This is the story of a vengeful business owner. Due to delayed salary some workers have complained to the local community chief. The salary was given at once and the owner apologized. It was supposed to be case closed but after a month the worker was asked to work for 2 days straight to earn 1,056 pesos. Guess what, the money was in coins of 5 and 10 centavos.

A friend of the aggrieved employee posted the problem and was taken up by the mayor of the city. In short, the mayor reprimanded the owner and even checked the style of management. The mayor’s accountant found out that the factory had missed paying the worker’s overtime work and night differential (graveyard shift) to the amount of 55,000 pesos. That is the liability of a vengeful manager who happens to be the owner of the business. By the way, the factory was closed due to some other violations.
It is isn’t even about the position some people are just wicked in and out. So it becomes even worse when they are in position of authority. Good that he was reprimanded and given a good punishment for all that. If you check sometimes those employees were not really wrong
This is very bad and of course it will really affect the growth of his business. it is very important that business manager's learn how to treat their workers with respect.
I'm very happy that your country has proper authorities that regulate the activities of business owners and their behaviours towards their workers.
Being an employer doesn't give right to treat people based on the way you feel to treat them. A good employer despite having some bad characters should endeavor to control his emotion when dealing with his employees because his actions can affect his business either positively or negatively .
This is very bad and of course it will really affect the growth of his business. it is very important that business manager's learn how to treat their workers with respect.
I'm very happy that your country has proper authorities that regulate the activities of business owners and their behaviours towards their workers.
It's very appalling for workers to be treated unfairly....Those kinds of companies may go a long way but their end isn't always good. Too bad, in my country workers can be treated anyhow and nothing would happen. A worker can be abused and the company would go Scot free without consequences.
It's very appalling for workers to be treated unfairly....Those kinds of companies may go a long way but their end isn't always good. Too bad, in my country workers can be treated anyhow and nothing would happen. A worker can be abused and the company would go Scot free without consequences.
It is only for workers who do not know the right thing to do . There are workers who have successfully sure their former company to court and won the lawsuit . Nevertheless , one will not deny the fact that there is still employee out there who maltreats their employee for no just cause ,simply because they have upper hand.
It is only for workers who do not know the right thing to do . There are workers who have successfully sure their former company to court and won the lawsuit . Nevertheless , one will not deny the fact that there is still employee out there who maltreats their employee for no just cause ,simply because they have upper hand.
Workers should always know the right thing to do in that situation. But too bad, not all countries have a provision for the protection of workers. Even though workers are willing to do so.....But where is the money to sue the company, in that situation the company will always win because they have money, you might end paying the company for suing them.
There are a lot of things that you are going to learn in management classes like how to manage your emotions. As a business manager it is always bound that you are going to receive one has criticism or the other but it is always important to maintain a cool head. This is because if you are being vengeful it might break the business down.