Why Documentation Can Help You Save Money


VIP Contributor
Documentation is the act of keeping receipts, agreements and contracts in an orderly manner that is easily accessible and stored in a place where its not easily retrieved, many small businesses nowadays don't care much about documentation and their only excuse is they don't need it because there business is small.

But every business that is big today, starts out as a small business so that's not an excuse not to document, it can later hunt business owners because people might use it against you, it has happened a lot of times in the past and it's enough to serve as a lesson for all.

Whenever you want to hire someone make sure it's documented, when you want to get into partnership get it documented, prioritize documentations, especially partnerships and if you have to sign documentations make sure you understand what it entails before signing them up, this is called due diligence.

You can hire a service of a freelancer or an in house staff to take care of documentations for you, these days there are even softwares that can help you with these, I've come across some on product hunt.

Documentation can help you with accountability as you can easily make assessment on how your business is doing.