Would you like government to regulate cryptocurrency?


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Since bitcoin started becoming popular and widely accepted, a lit of countries have turned and their attention to it and not all is in a good way.

With the decentralized nature it has, it poses a lot of threat to financial institutions and to his government take certain measures, hence they want to regulate it.

While this will have a lot of advantage, it's also not good news.

For one, it would put power to control the finances of the people back into the hands of the government, and we know that the government doesn't always use it's powers for good and to make lives if it's citizens easier.

On the flip side, the decentralization and anonymous nature of cryptocurrency allows anyone to carry out any type of transaction without reasoning, and it has thus been used to perpetuate crimes by those will evil intention.

In your opinion, would regulation by the government make things easier or harder for crypto users? Would you like it?
The government of some countries of the world even considered cryptocurrency to be a coin that have crippled the economy of their countries , well to me I do not see it this way because cryptocurrency is just a decentralized technology on its own. I know the only disadvantage of cryptocurrency that the government sees is that it has made a lot of people to move their assets from banks and other financial institution to a crypto space which is not the best for the economy of a particular country.

If government are to regulate cryptocurrency that really means that everyone that trades or invest in cryptocurrency must either pay a certain amount of money as fee when withdrawing or transaction with cryptocurrencies. Well no one will like this to happen because you will always pay a certain percentage which will always be a loss to all investors.

Well I believe that it is even more better for a particular country to regulate cryptocurrency than to give a full complete ban on crypto , because if they are bannning cryptocurrency they are definitely saying that people should not invest in cryptocurrency for any reason which to me I consider it as the wrong option.