career and jobs


    how does being truthful and honest assist you in your dealings with your boss or employer.

    The quality of truthfulness and honesty goes hand-in-hand with each other , and an individual that is considered to be truthful is also considered to be honest . So in a business organisation what happens when an employee is truthful and honest in various business dealings and doings , the...
  2. Austinaldo

    Can Parents Inspire A Child's Career?

    I personally think choosing a career for a child is outrighthly bad. Wether it is you enforcing it on the child or it is you demanding them to pursue a pathway. This to me is very wrong. I however think there's another way of making it work without necessarily enforcing it on them. You can...

    Is it advisable to re-employ a previously expelled or sacked employee or worker.

    In some rare , occasions , situations and conditions , various business organisations are faced with the decision whether to re-employ a previously fired , sacked , or expelled business employee , worker or staff . First of all in the course of deciding whether to re-employ a worker who was...
  4. Ithedicious

    How to work with rude employers

    So many employees may have diffulties trying to handle bad employers in their work place. In most cases there is no way you can change them to what really suits you but there are ways you can work with them conveniently without having any problem. 1 ) Obey all rules and regulation: For...
  5. Augusta

    How to survive with unemployment

    Unemployment is the period of joblessness and it is a pretty bad times especially for the breadwinners. But if it has happened that you were sacked or you are just a fresh graduate then it isn’t a time for self pity. You need to still move and be useful to yourself and family. So how can you...
  6. Good-Guy

    What Does It Take To Become A Professional Architect?

    An Architect is basically a person who creates different kind of designs of building structure. They have the job of creating different construction maps, designing the structure, creating the right kind of construction plans, working with the engineer to resolve construction project issues...
  7. Good-Guy

    How To Become An IT (Information Technology) Expert and Get A Job?

    Information technology is a vast field that involved many factors and categories of technological experts. There are basically oodles of branches of information technology. For example, you can complete a software course and become an IT security expert. There are many companies that focus a lot...
  8. Good-Guy

    How Do You Become A Professional Gardner?

    There are many jobs a person could do. Some of them are blue collar jobs, while other are white collar job. One such kind of a job is that of a Gardner. A Gardner is a person who takes care of plants and trees. They are a kind of people who have much experience and knowledge about plants. As far...
  9. Jasz

    Why Nigerian Youths Prefer Vocations/ craft and Trade to White Collar Jobs

    In recent years there has been a shift in the mindset of youths in Nigeria. Very few youths now see white collar jobs as something to aspire to, and many have begun crafting and trading instead. So many of them believe going to school to acquire a degree is now a risk or not even worth it...
  10. Good-Guy

    How To Have A Successful Career As An Investment Banker?

    There are many sorts of professional careers and banking is a kind of career that is in hot demand. This is due to the fact that banking industry has been prospering for a long time and a person in this field is regarded as a professional who manages finance, investments, accounts, trading...
  11. Good-Guy

    How To Have A Successful Career As A Fisherman?

    There are many people in my country who are into the business of fishery. They are the ones who own boats or rent boats and they are those people who sail the boat across the sea and catch fishes to make a living. It is a really hard job and in many cases it is a dangerous job, actually. There...
  12. Good-Guy

    What Are Some Advantages Of Having A Full-time Job?

    Most of the people around the world have jobs. We all work and we all need some source of income to survive in the current world where inflation is ruling the world. This is why many people opt for a full-time job over part-time jobs. This is because of various reasons. There are many advantages...
  13. Good-Guy

    How To Get A Job After Completing Business Management Course?

    Studying business is one of the dreams of many students. This is because many students are interested in learning more about business because business is a really intriguing field. Studying business could get you a great job and the field of commerce is preferred by many students because not...
  14. Good-Guy

    Have You Ever Had A Job In A Zoo?

    There are many careers in the world that you could pursue and many people actually select the right kind of educational field so that they could get into that specific field. For example, if you want to become an engineer, you must get admission in engineering college. I think when it comes to...
  15. Good-Guy

    What Are Some Benefits Of Pursuing Educational Courses For Your Career?

    Most of the people realize that pursuing education is very important for your career. Educated people have a much higher chances of getting a good job. However, I am not saying that education is the only thing which is required, but education could be classified as one of the most important...
  16. Good-Guy

    What Does Working In A Factory Feel Like?

    There are many people who work in many different places. Some people work in offices and some people work in many shopping areas, as those people usually work as a salesman. However, there are certainly many folks who tend to work at factories. Factories are basically a place where things get...
  17. Good-Guy

    How To Stop Discrimination When It Comes To Employment?

    Humans beings are designed by Allah Almighty to seek employment and feed their families. We all work and we need money in order to survive. Each and every person on this planet has the right to seek job. However, when it comes to finding the right job, there are many things that might become an...
  18. Kevin M M

    Success at the work place

    What kind of boss and coworkers have you had the most and least success with, and why?
  19. Good-Guy

    How Can We Improve The Job Market In Tier 3 Countries?

    Right now there are many people who are in desperate need of job. This can be due to various kinds of reasons. many people do not have a good source of income and they need to find work. However, the life of people is quite hard for people who are living in underdeveloped or developing countries...
  20. Good-Guy

    What Does It Take To Pursue A Career As A Pilot?

    There are many kinds of career a person can choose. Some kind of careers may sound boring to many people, but some kinds of careers are quite fascinating. One such kind of fascinating career is that of a pilot. A pilot is a person who spends most of his time in the air. They are those...