How to control high blood pressure without medication


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1. To Lose extra pounds
Blood pressure increases as the weight increases because being over weight cause disrupted breathing while sleeping which increases the risk of blood pressure, so weight loss is a very effective method use to control blood pressure even if it is to lose a small amount of weight when obese it can reduce the high blood pressure
2. Doing Regular work out
Doing exercise for 150 minutes in a week or 30 minutes in a day helps to lower the risk of having blood pressure and it is important to be consistent because if you stop the work out the high blood pressure can rise again. Exercises like walking, jogging, swimming and dancing can help in reducing blood pressure


Active member
You are correct with those points because most people do have High blood pressure when they are overweight or didn't do enough exercise


VIP Contributor
You are right with your first point. It is even common among fat people to have heart problem. So the first thing we need to do is make sure we watch our weight and make sure we don't eat junk food or any other intake that can accumulate fat in our body.


Active member
We can reduce the risk of having high blood pressure by eating food low in calories and also doing exercise Regularly


Active member
High blood pressure risk can be reduced by losing weight because being obese or overweight can have a higher risk of having high blood pressure


Active member
High blood pressure risk can also be reduced by doing morning work out every day for at least 30 minutes to help to burn fat in the body