Are there good female business managers?


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Gender is never a barrier to be effective at the management of a business organisation, and throughout the years there have been some successful female business managers who sometimes are popularly and prominently known and also respected by members of the public. Women plays a very important role in The ownership of business all around the world and in areas of west Africa, most businesses and commercially based Enterprises are mostly owned and managed by women and according to research and feasibility study conducted in Africa back in the year 2015, 93% of the commercial-related financial market is absolutely owned and managed by female business owners and managers . There are actually some top female entrepreneurs that are totally leading the local markets and if we were to run them they will possibly include most United States entrepreneurs who are females and are doing their best to be only carried out the good works of being a good business entrepreneur and also good one to emulate .

It is absolutely very hurtful as the world is giving women and females no place in the business sector which is absolutely very bad and unadvised because female business owners tends to be more organised than males business owners and managers, and according to research and studies organisational procedures carried out by female business owners and managers tend to be more productive and more accessive compared to a business procedure carried out by male business owners.
Use of course they are good effective female business managers who have single-handedly started their business organisations and have operated and managed it to become something positively reward into themselves in the sense they are business nowadays are becoming prominent and popular among the recognition and noticeability of individuals living in the public . It is absolutely true that female managers and business operators totally make up to 93% of our Earth as a whole and it is true that female managers have totally impacted the existence of most businesses due to the fact that female managers and business operators knows how to successfully handle a business more than Male business operators

But one of the common things about being a female business owner or manager is that the environment totally could be a threat to these individuals making it an conducive for female managers to actually operate their business and soundness of mind and peacefully , the government absolutely need to have female business owners and managers by giving them good incentives and responsibilities or something to hold onto in other to show that their existence actually matters .