Have you ever used a cashback application?


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In the recent times, online shopping has become a new norm. There are many people out there who purchase products online. One of the most recent concepts involving online shopping is cash back. Cash back applications are quite popular nowadays. A cash back application is a kind of application that tends to offer some kind of discount.

Such kind of applications are used by many people in the world and many companies have also developed such kind of applications so that people could use them. In return, companies who offer applications also earn money as a result of that whenever the customer makes a purchase. Cash back applications are used by people who shop for clothes, food, jewellery, beauty products, skin care products, and other kinds of products.

In the recent times, the usage of such kind of products have increased a lot. I have never used such kind of application. However, there are a few applications that are quite popular in here. Save Your is one such kind of application that has gained much recognition lately. So, what about you? Do you also use such kind of applications? How often do you use such kind of applications? What is your favorite cash back application as of now?
I have not used any cash back applications. Most of these applications work only in high tier countries and the do not work here. However, I use multiple local payment providers that offer cashbacks. Just by using these local payment providers, I not only earn credits that I can redeem as cash but also directly get backback offers on some purchases. I also use a lot of banking apps that offer cash backs on certain porducts. The bank apps and payment apps offer cashbacks here.