How employers and managers influence employees performances.


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A good and effective organisational manager or employer and endeavours to group and coordinates his employees and workers and also every decision and organisational responsibility he or she protects and undergo must make sure to be in the full interest of those in which he or she has employs. Basically, what we are trying to say is that the business manager and employer of a particular business organisation definitely has a visible effect on the productivity and on the performance of each and every employee working in the business organisation. If a particular organisational employer or manager is arrogant and rude towards dealing with his or her employees and workers that's definitely proved that he or she doesn't value the hard work and industrious attitude of his or her employees and workers and this can totally take a negative toll and how effective the business employees and workers perform an exhibit their duties and responsibilities.

On the other hand, if a particular business employer or manager, proves to be approachable and very kind in dealing with his or her employees and workers and also endeavoring to commend and congratulate them when they successfully and accurately achieve a particular assigned business task or objective, that 100% proves that he or she loves s and cherish his or her employees and the good works they perform. The business organisation is more peaceful and smooth in achieving goals and objectives when employers and bosses are of good approachable attitudes and behaviours.
The behaviours and attitude of business managers and employers can totally affect the performance of the business employees and workers and that can obviously and visibly be explained in a situation where a particular business manager or employer is rude when dealing with his or her business employees and workers, exhibiting rude and arrogant attitude towards your business employees and workers can totally take a negative toll on their performance. They may begin to feel uncomfortable and unconducive in carrying out their expected organisational duties and responsibilities.

If a particular task or objective is being assigned to them they are more focused in never disappointing you than making sure that they achieve their goal as expected and most of the time they are fear is only lead to mistake and error. You must behave in such a way that makes your employees comfortable and that is by commending and congratulating their existence in the business organisation by giving them the promotion and encouragement they need when the time comes.