How Gardening Can Help Improve Your Mental Health


Gardening can help improve your mental health in a number of ways.

First, gardening helps you connect with nature. When you're in the garden, you can feel the wind blowing through your hair, smell the earthy scent of plants and soil, and feel a connection to all the life around you. This lessens sadness and also stress and anxiety!

Second, gardening is an excellent way to stay fit. Gardening requires physical activity, which can help to burn excess calories and keep your weight down. It also gives you something to do when there's nothing on TV. which is great for reducing stress and anxiety!

Third, gardening is therapeutic. When you're gardening for yourself or others as part of a charity project (or just because), it can be very rewarding emotionally as well as physically. Furthermore, do you plan to do it alone or with mates? Well… that just means more time spent getting your hands dirty!