How to gain weight the right way.


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Some individuals are concerned about the structures of their body , some of them are not happy because they are too lean , slim , or Bony. And so they sought out four different ways to add weight to the body thereby adding up some flesh to look more healthy . Majority of these individuals think that is shortcut is to gurge and stuff their faces and mouth with junkiest among all junkiest food . They consume more food which contains abnormal fat which makes them to accumulate fat in the wrong places .

The best way to add flesh to your body if you think you are too thin or too slim is to improve your diet and exercise regularly . The home food egg has a good effect on adding weight to our body the right way . There is a home remedy formula I will be exposing to anyone who think that he is too thin or slim and is desperately looking for ways to add weight . But one thing is sure with this formula you must exercise after doing it . Majority of you get here I may have known what is " pap " . Pap is a local food made from corn or guinea corn . It is mostly sold in local market in West Africa and sometimes it is white in colour and in other cases it looks pink in colour . After preparing your hot pap you must eat it with boiled egg . It is okay for you to feel uncomfortable and unsatisfied the trust me this formula and home remedy works . After consuming the boiled egg and the pap you must wait 20 minutes 30 minutes before beginning to exercise . Try doing a two sets of 20 reps of pushups , sit-ups ,and pull up would suffice .