High-Risk Results Equals Better Yield


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Let’s look into these statistics.

About 20 percent of small businesses in the US fail in the first year.

About 50 percent of the businesses that manage to survive the first year will fail by the 5th year.

About 66 percent of small businesses will fail in 10 years.

These figures were burrowed from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics

It is very common for business failure and there is no business that is 100 percent secure. They even say the business with higher risk will give you higher returns. That’s the reason the stock market gives you a better return than any other investment. Saving in bank accounts is considered a very low-risk investment, however, the return on your investment is very low. Cryptocurrency and Forex trading are considered very risky, however, these markets are also believed to be one of the best markets for generating high profits.

Normally, a business that generates a 30 percent return on investment is considered a profitable business, however, a lot of businesses cannot reach that point.