How to gain weight effectively with no vitamins and medication


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Gaining weight is the usual problem of an active teenager. The most common recourse is to lift weights. The idea is when the body builds the muscles you tend to gain weight. But what happens is you get the muscles but your weight remains the same.

It is the food that we eat. That is according to one dietitian and nutritionist of an athlete. Lack of appetite contributes to the loss of weight. One natural way of gaining weight is to eat less in volume but more frequency. For those who eat 3 square meals a day can try to eat 5 or 6 small meals in a day. Coupled with the workout the weight gain can be seen after 2 weeks of that regimen.
Sometimes, I do believe our body structure is a function of gene that will inherit from our parents. At times, wr may be eating balanced diet, regular exercises and even with good sleep but sill not getting fatter. While those that are even involving in stressful things will still get fatter.
Vitamins do not help you gain weight, Use of vitamins is for accidental use for instance when you are in medical conditions and you need the vitamin boosts immediately. You need to eat proper foods for the daily dose of vitamins. Ear foods rich in proteins, fats, and carbs to gain weight.