Websites That Pay You to Post Tutorials


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1. The Tutorial Board contains all computer graphics-related tutorials, including Photoshop, Maya, After Effects, and others.

How much will each post cost you?

Up to $150 for each accepted tutorial on CG software like Photoshop, After Effects, or similar programs. Following publication, payments will be made within the first two weeks of the following month.

They talk about:
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Autodesk Maya, or any other CG software that is widely used in the industry IBM's

2. Compose
Compose is a cloud database platform where you can find information about fully managed, cloud-hosted databases, and other topics.

How much will you be compensated for each post?

Writing about all things database will earn you $200 in cash and $200 in credit.

They talk about:

Anything database-related (management, creation, etc.) Tutorials on how to deploy MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Redis, and other databases 3. Digital Ocean is one of the best online platforms. It has a lot of comprehensive tutorial collections on how to deploy, configure, and develop open-source software, and you can contribute to their site to make money.

How much will each post bring in for you?

Most new instructional exercises are paid out at $200 and creation centered themes might be paid out at up to $300. Depending on the quantity of changes and technical content, updates for existing tutorials, such as distribution adjustments, typically cost $50 to $100.
Once your content is published to their website, payment will be made through PayPal.

They talk about:
Coding, Linux programming, etc.