Symptoms of a Mid-Career Crisis


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Mid-career crisis is real and it is good to always watch out to possibly avoid going through it.Mid-career crisis is about feeling stuck, in your is about going through a rougher patch in one's professional life in the current work environment.

Some of the work related issues you might be having might just not be normal you are probably going through a mid-career crisis.

So what are the symptoms to let you know you are going through a Mid-Career Crisis

Lack of csreer satisfaction

You might be going through Mid career crisis if you’re a successful professional, but you’re not satisfied with your career. You alwsys think something is wrong somewhere.

You playdown your strength

Another one that might be a mid career crisis might be you always downplaying your skills, knowledge and competence

Aloof about your career

This is about you not seeing anything good again about your career.You find your work boring and tiresome and you become disinterested in getting greater results

Lack of enthusiasm
This is one feature of mid career crisis. One is no longer enthusiastic about going to work. one become
impatient and defensive

Mid career crisis is not to be joled with as it can make one lose focus which is bad.