Symptoms of Tuberculosis


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Tuberculosis are infectious diseases that do affect the lung and it can be spread by droplet released in to the air like through coughing and sneezing.
Symptoms of tuberculosis
1. Fever
2. coughing for like three weeks and bringing out blood or mucus when coughing
3. Fatigue
4. Weight loss
5. Night sweats
6. It can also cause loss of appetite
This tuberculosis doesn't affect only the lungs only it can also affect other organs in the body like kidney, brain and sprain yo should make you see the doctor when you start feeling this symptoms most especially the symptoms of night sweat, coughing excessively, and unintentional weight loss all these are often the symptoms of tuberculosis and those people that have contact with them have a higher risk of getting infected as well


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That is why it is good for those that are infected to always cover their mouth while sneezing or coughing to prevent infecting someone else


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Tuberculosis affect most of the organs in the body like the heart, kidney, lung and also causes cancer


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Tuberculosis is dangerous to the health due to all the symptoms listed here it can endanger the someone life if care is not taken